Or, as one of your keywords googlec5f53a11c320e137.html
On my website www.scamhunter.weebly.com I have on numerous occasions referred to Internet Marketer/Guru Gary Ambrose as not only giving me by far the most leads to uncover and expose schemes as Scam, but also as being a brilliant marketer.

By brilliant I mean well phrased captions and short texts that would want you to have a look at what he is presenting. Most recently he has sent me a lead to mobilemonopoly.com which has been classified by me as Scam.

Now, in my opnion, he has gone too far. He has sent me the following email to the same lead:

"The President Approves ClickBank!?!


 The White House personally asked to meet with this
 ClickBank marketer... and, the President was in on
 it the whole time.

 So, why would the White House want to meet with an
 affiliate from Clickbank?

 Find out here...


 And yes, this is the real deal...

 Thanks & Good Luck,
 Gary Ambrose

 P.S. I wouldn't have believed it either...

 But the undeniable proof, and profits, are here."

Yes, indeed, the undeniable proof that this is a Scam is truly there! The profits are not! Read the disclaimer and you will immediately see, that it certainly does not jive with the video presentation!

Having said that and if in fact it is true, it still needs to be understood why the White House has invited Adam Horwitz and that is as a successful entrepreneur, which he may undoubtedly be. That he achieved his success with selling his schemes is the reason he was invited and nothing else! Certainly not because his latest scheme is so good, which it obviously is not but Gary implies!

Also, the President was nowhere present at the awards presentation and for Gary to state that the President "was in on it the whole time" is not a distortion of facts, it is a plain lie!

I don't mind that Gary Ambrose peddles Scam (because it helps my quest and hopefully with that helps a lot of people avoid any losses) with a lot of hype, bordering on plain BS! When it comes to lying, it is a whole different matter!

Stay Safe!

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